Spokane – Cagli Sister City Exchange 2025
Hi to all our friends who have helped our Spokane-Cagli Sister City Exchange thrive these past seven years. I am wanting to let you know that we are moving forward with our Cagli Sister City Exchange for 2025. The dates are approximately July 1 – 17, 2025. I am attaching a poster and requesting you share it with interested students. I would be glad to come out to your campuses to make a presentation as well. I am also including all the ambassadors to Cagli 2024, so they can share their learning experiences. I need your help in sharing your experiences. Consider meeting with your Principles, foreign language teachers, etc. Please let me know if you would like to meet and talk with any groups. The Poster has the addresses for more information but you can also share my phone number if it’s helpful. for talk or text. The details and applications are on The Chase Youth Commission website which is listed on the poster. Please let me know of any interested students or if you would like to plan an event for your schools. Ive also included in this email our new Spokane-Cagli Sister City brochure. If you know any interested students please let me know.
Dr. Caputo